When I posted my response - the link wasn't there, and I don;t have time to watch another attention seeker with a video camera and an inflated sense of importance waffle on about a subject I have no interest in.
As much as it pains me, I couldn’t have written a better post than Andy H.
The New Culture Forum, eh! Khandro seems to be a proponent of yet another loony....sorry..fringe political movement.
Watching videos from links on AB is of course a completely voluntary act, but it amuses me when people like andy hughes & zacs master say how they have no time to watch it, then spend time writing to tell us so, (as if anyone cares!) & in the case of the latter, spend time trying to denigrate the author (& poster) of that video without addressing its content.
As Peter P. would say: "Well this is AB, so what else would you expect?"
Khandro, the content of the video is a poor second to the ‘axe to grind’ organisation (I use the word loosely) behind it. The fact that you’re in Germany posting stuff like this is highly amusing.
Zacs master; There are a lot of axes that need grinding in Britain - a place I love dearly wherever I am.
And Peter Whittle's, 'New Culture Forum' channel has some of the most interesting & informed guests around, that is probably why it has more followers even than Sky News.
I suggest you either address the topic & issues raised, or kindly leave the stage.