Could I be addicted to Bread, I don't feel satisfied with anything I eat unless it includes bread, I want to give it up completely, but I know I am going to find it very hard to do, what can I replace it with.
I bloat after most things I eat, apparently I'm intolerant to wheat and dairy, but I still find it very hard to avoid these things, especially the bread.
Goodness...if it makes you that uncomfortable, why continue eating it? Have you spoken to a Dr about it? Though what you describe is typical of many who can't indulge in grains or who may be lactose intolerant.
No pasta, not as yet, I plan to though, my Mum has a similar thing herself, and her symptoms are the same, so I have put it down to the same thing, I can't remember the name of what they diagnosed her with, it's a long word, to do with the intestines I believe.
Snap fruitsalad ..I to am intolerant to yeast,wheat and dairy just for starters.
Beer,lager and wine are a thing of the past. No crisps, no snacks, if I go near a soft fruit drink I now need to carry and Epi Pen.
To stay away from dairy and wheat products you need to avoid anything that comes in a box or a packet.
Every single thing I eat has to be made from scratch.
Be prepared to spend a couple of hours at the supermarket on your weekly shop ... because you are going to have to read every label.
On the plus side .. I have gone from 34" waist to a 30".. in 8 months without doing anything other than avoiding yeast and dairy.
Your symptoms sound just like my daughters. She has Coeliac disease and has to have gluten-free foods. That includes bread. She used to suffer all the time with bloating, toilet problems and feeling sick until she found out that she was wheat intolerant. . Now she's fine .
Once you've been reading labels for a while, you'll soon know instinctively what foods to be careful of. Manufacturers are very sneaky about what is added to foods. I discovered this when I started cutting carbs and unnecessary sugars from my diet. It's hard to give up things we are used to or told are 'good' for us, but when you realise how much better you are feeling...both physically and's a small sacrifice.