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Do You Believe In This Way Of Thinking?

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DonaldDuck92 | 11:48 Sat 01st May 2021 | Body & Soul
8 Answers
This morning's household debate...

Your life right now is a result of what you did a year ago.

Your life a year from now will be a result of what you do right now.

Do you agree?


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No, your life can change at any given moment by unforseen circumstances.
Don't think we had an option on what we were doing a year ago, and the same applies now! We can't predict anything.
no. next.
load of old pony.
It does if on the day you change job or gett married or have a baby or somw such event
no, life is too unpredictable.
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Do You Believe In This Way Of Thinking?

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