I'm improving from a breathing perspective, albeit slowly, and appear to have passed the hurdle of hour-long coughing fits on waking.
However I'm struggling with the pain which is a sharp, stabbing pain and is excruciating and nocturnal in nature. The pain is in my left back around the lung base and is by far the most intense and agonising pain I have ever or should ever wish to experience.
Regular Co-Codamol and Ibuprofen are not touching it. What would you suggest?
Difficult one as one doesn't want to suppress the lung drainage or coughing at any price.
But for pain I think that your regime is the right path to tread, but make it dose sensitive.
You haven't mentioned what dose of Ibuprofen that you are taking, but for the pain that you describe i would suggest a minimum dose of Ibuprofen 400 mgms every 4-6 hours with your Co-Codamol in between if necessary.
Sqad, I'm taking 400mg and 2 x Co-codamol 30/500 qds. The pain is indescribable and hits me in the evening when I'm sat on the sofa or at night when trying to readjust my position or when sitting up.
A possibility, but I wasn't happy at you being discharged with a high CPR.
Are we dealing with a constant pain or a clock pain ot one that is made worse by breathing or movement.?
Hi Sqad. Pain is present morning / evening, is definitely made worse by breathing or moving, particularly on waking when trying to turn over or sit up.
There's much less severe pain in the left shoulder too.
That is a good description of pleuritic pain.
Your choice is between contacting your GP or monitoring the situation for the next 12 hours.
You have not mentioned a cough, which one would see in pleurisy.