It might.....Salmon is an antiseptic cream, you need an antibiotic cream e.g chloromycetin.
Chat to your pharmacist for an over the counter antibiotic cream.
Yes, take Ibuprofen 400mgms up to every 4 hours if need be and apply the Savlon.
If there is no improvement by Monday then ring your GP as you may need antibiotics by mouth.
Try soaking your fingers/toes in salty water . Epson Salts are the best , but table salt would do at a push. Vinegar is also a home remedy. Neosporin is an over the counter antibiotic cream. I would advise talking with your local pharmacist at either a chemist or supermarket.
Paronychia is caused by a bacteria . Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pyogenes bacteria are the most common culprits. The clue is in the name, an AntiBIOTIC cream will help kill the bacteria, as will salty water or vinegar.
Nothing will magically get rid of it and if it doesn't clear up by itself then you need to see a doctor or nurse. Have you self diagnosed or have you had this before? Chronic paronychia can be the result of continued exposure to an irritant or even a fungal infection. Salt or vinegar is a widely used substance to kill or hinder bacteria. Soaking your fingers or toes in Salt or vinegar will not cure your condition but it will make it harder for the bacteria to reproduce, and finally it may resolve on its own. As its inconvenient to go around with your hands in a cup of salty water, the antibiotic cream can be applied, especially at night. If it gets no better I would stronlgy suggest a visit to your GP as you may need a course of amoxicillin/clavulanate.
Thank you so will Epsom salts work, will it get rid if it, how will they work, thank you, I had it once or twice before, I looked the signs up on the Internet, I am a nail biter,