My MIL has just turned 71 and you would never ever know - you could easily knock 10 years off her age. Mind you she always dresses younger than her age i.e. keep fit gear half the time(trainers/leggings etc) for her keep fit classes, walking etc, she is pedantic about daily/nightly moisturisers, always has her hair coloured and kept fairly short. She looks amazing!! Don’t know if I’d even recognise her with grey hair lol.
I listen to Spotify more than I do the radio to be honest. I whack some random playlist on and see what it gives me! I recently got some cordless bluetooth headphones a little while back. They're great!
She does look pretty old for her age,but skinny people often do. Her hair looks nice to me and suits her. Grey hair worn up looks good on older ladies but not hanging down imo.
I used to get taken for very much younger until Ill health took its toll. I don't look in mirrors these days because there's some freaky old lady nthere spying on me!!