Hi I’m
A woman age 45 and in early stages of menopause so my period s haven’t been regular for the past 12 months I had sex with someone I was seeing mid April who told me he had the snip I had a light period few weeks after but today 12th of June iv had no period since I’m feeling terrible like I’m
About to start my period but nothing actually happening I feel sick but not actually being sick got discharge hot flushes headache and slow ache in my stomach and feel very bloated x wonder cud I be pregnant or just the manopuse im worried sick and honestly to scared to take a test any advice wud be greatly appreciated thank u x
What benefit is there is not doing a test? You're either pregnant or you're not. You're going to find out eventually - the sooner the better in my opinion.
I know it must be terrifying but you must take a test. If you leave it much longer your options are diminished. Your symptoms seem more likely pregnant than menopause to me but that doesn't mean you are.
I doubt you’re pregnant due to him having had the snip and you being irregular. The symptoms could be anything so do a test and when you see negative you will feel better and you can take it from there.