If you were with a small group of people last Thursday evening and two of them have now tested positive should you take a test now or wait and see if you have symptoms. It was a meeting in a church for couple of hours. It wasn't me! But I have had close contact with the person. Should this person concerned self isolate. I ask for safety reasons not for rules!! I dont think there are any now or are there?
you've been in contact with someone who was in contact with someone who tested positive? I think I'd wait a few days at a discreet distance, then ask how the middleman/woman is doing. There's still a lot of it about, not as lethal as when it first appeared (thanks partly to the jabs), but in my own interests I wouldn't want to get too close to anyone for a little while.
The middle man sleeps with me!! All this time living in such a small area and not really mixing with people. He then goes to meeting in a church out in the wilds for meeting to do with the local church buildings preservation. And then we get a phone call......... Damn the church bats!!
I've contacted the only other person I will have contact with this coming week and we will both do tests. I'm not that worried but I would never put others at risk. I'm content to stay at home. Well we both are actually.
just go on reinfecting each other and see whose nerve cracks first... :-)
I suppose it's partly about how vulnerable you feel. I feel in pretty good health and though I had it in April, it was over in a week and no worse than a cold. Others older or sicker may not feel the same way, though.
I have health problems but none that warrant too much worry. No breathing problems at all. Perhaps immunity problems. We both have had 4 jabs. They sat in pews apparently, but then had tea and cakes.no point in worrying? He is testing negative.
If it were me I'd probably stay away from any vulnerable relatives but these days I think it's only the retired or those able to work from home that have the luxury of being able to choose to isolate anyway. At my workplace people are openly attending with covid, same as they usually would with a cold, because covid is no longer discounted and it goes on people's sick record. Hopefully the majority getting it now are experiencing milder symptoms.
I'd wait and see. A few weeks ago, my daughter's partner tested positive...his second bout. Daughter had some snuffly symptoms but never tested positive. So even sharing the same bed doesn't guarantee catching it.
I'm going to see my GP tomorrow anyway. I saw his colleague about a painful knee back in May; he said he'd arrange a scan. He didn't, nothing whatever happened, so now I'm having to start over. After I've limped to the surgery I might as well ask about Covid.