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Online Prescription Companies

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rockyracoon | 10:29 Mon 24th Oct 2022 | Body & Soul
40 Answers
Can anyone recommend an online NHS prescription service that delivers? I'm having a mare with my local chemist and need to find a reliable alternative for my meds.



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I'm on about 9 different medications - some I get a few months' supply at a time and some are only a month at a time. It is impossible to keep track of them all.
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Must be a nightmare, Wolfy.
Don't know about NHS prices I pay privately and would have to do so here as they are not available in Portugal
I am confident that a Canadian pharmacist would not dispense an NHS prescription
They dispense my Portugeuse doctors prescription no problem.
Just looked cost of pill varies with strength. Canadian $1.25 a tablet
Is that a private prescription though?
Yes but here doctors can prescribe on either private or NHS equivalent. It wouldn't hurt Rocky to do online chat with chemist. They are very helpful
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I get free prescriptions here. What is the name of the pharmacy, Calmck?
I had exactly the same problem with the two local pharmacies, so I swapped to Chemist4U - not let me down so far.
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Thanks Canary. I’ll have a look at them.
The only drawback being I get spam from them re over-the-counter stuff. Not a great amount however so not really a problem.
Don't know where you are based Rocky but do you have any independent dispensing chemists? We are lucky the Tesco pharmacist left and set up on his own and you can collect or have free delivery. Tesco chemist is pretty good but we moved to support an independent one. How come a doctor can prescribe a drug that is obviously difficult to obtain. If the drug is prescribable you shouldn't have to worry about getting that prescription filled
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Granny, it is an independent chemist that I’m having problems with.
I use
Have you thought of trying John Bell and Croydon in London. They might be able to advise
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Thanks, Calmck. I’ll try JBC tomorrow, though I did notice on their website that they are partners with Lloyds, so might not be able to help.
JBC are close to Harley Street and have lots of overseas customers so might well have a postal service available
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For those of you who use the online service. Do you need to sign for delivery?
I have to sign for it, rocky, but then 4 carrier bags wouldn't get through the letter box.
I was wrong in my previous answer. I have just checked the Boots website and in the FAQ section I found this:
If you choose letterbox delivery, your package will be posted through your letterbox. If for any reason your package won’t fit through your letterbox or if you choose signed for delivery and you’re not in when the delivery is made, a card will be put through your door with details of where to collect your package from. Remember if a signature is required it will need to be signed by someone aged 18 or over.

So a signature MAY be needed. Could be dependent on the type of drug in the delivery

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