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back damage

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indian | 12:07 Tue 27th Dec 2005 | Body & Soul
5 Answers
can sleeping on a sofa damage your back?


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Yes, it can, because the optimal position for the back, is keeping it as straight as possible, your back will mould to the shape of the sofa while asleep/relaxed. I know there must be thousands of people fall asleep on the sofa without damage, but in the odd case, it can happen.
it can... but then, so can sleeping on a bed. It all depends on the shape of the sofa/bed and the shape of your back, how well they fit together, how much you twist around while you sleep... and so on. I find sofa sleep is more likely to hurt my neck because it doesn't really offer neck support.
There is not much pressure on your spine when you are laying down, its how you sit whats most important, A lot of back trouble is caused by bad posture
Hey Indi,
Even if you have an old mattress you are risking back problems. I think if you're experiencing back pain then you should change all of the above! where you sleep, your mattress if it's past it's sell by date and as Elvis mentioned, your posture in general..

so suck that tummy in, chest out, shoulders back, botty tucked under .... now, lets see how funny you look! :P
Yes it can Indian, a sofa gives no lumber support when you lie on it, espacially dangerous if you sleep on your side.

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