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always tired

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Nat13 | 18:26 Wed 28th Dec 2005 | Body & Soul
7 Answers
im 15, and a girl, whenever i sleep, and then wake up i am fine for a couple of ours but then like today. i awoke at around 12, went into the shower...blah blah blah. but at around 3pm, i was so tired. i went home and just fell to sleep!! i got up around 5. this happens to me everyday. including when im back at school, if i go to bed around 11pm, i have to get up at 7am, i find myself falling asleep in lessons! by the end of the school day (4pm), i have to sleep, because im then nackered!! is there anything wrong with me!!


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You could try going to bed a bit earlier....maybe 9pm every so often....11pm is pretty late for most adults let alone a 15 year old.

But, i'd probably get yourself off to your GP and have a chat with hime. Anaemia, glandula fever and even diabetes can cause tiredness but chances are, you're just burning the candle at both ends and you need earlier nights.

Worrying about it will make things worse so go to bed and get some sleep. Have a hot bath, a milky drink and put some lavender oil on your jim jams or pillow and relax.

Good luck and sweet dreams

(Posted in 2 parts):

At 15 years old, one cause of many such problems is 'hormonal imbalance'. Many people of your age assume, because they've been menstruating for some time, that they've 'gone through puberty'. This is rarely the case as erratic variations in hormone levels are likely to continue until the 'late teens'. Unusually high or low levels of certain hormones can certainly lead to sudden bouts of tiredness.

A more direct cause of sudden tiredness is low blood-sugar levels. If you're currently dieting then, unless you're doing so on doctor's instructions, it's definitely time to stop until you've received proper medical advice.

Other causes of tiredness? A lack of physical exercise can lead to the body being 'out of condition'. Ask yourself how many miles you could walk right now, non-stop, without any prior training. At your age, 5 miles should be 'a doddle', 10 miles should be 'fairly easy' and 20 miles shouldn't be too much of a problem. If you know that you'd come to a halt after a mile or two then it's definitely time to think about ways of getting fit.
(2nd Part):

Yet more possible causes? Possibly anaemia (either caused by a poor diet or by problems with your body taking up iron), deficiency in B-vitamins (ditto), diabetes (unlikely unless you've got other symptoms but worth checking out), glandular fever or other viral diseases (ditto) or a lack of 'quality' sleep (follow andyjevs advice). [Just an addendum regarding poor sleep patterns: 15-year-olds aren't meant to be consuming alcohol but I know that many do. If you drink alcohol it can seriously disrupt sleep patterns. Even though you might not feel intoxicated while drinking it can still leave you feeling really tired the following day].

I taught 15-year-old girls for many years and nothing you've written about your tiredness 'sets any alarm bells ringing' with me. (i.e. it sounds fairly normal). All the same, it would make sense to see a doctor. (If, for example, you've got some form of virus, a 10-day course of antibiotics could solve all of your problems).

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thanks for the help. i havent been eating for a few weeks, but i also did look up diabetic symptoms (i thought i was diabetic a few years back.) i posted a previous question about what things i had.

andyjevs - What planet are you on?! 11pm late!!!!

And how do you come to the conclusion she's burning the candle at both ends? she gets 8 hours a night, which is about average and she didn't mention going out and partying at all!

trying to imply its all her own fault because she doesn't adhere to your 'rules' is unhelpful.

i am like this too i had mild anaemia which i take a liquid supplement for which really helps. make sure you have a good diet too much junk food throws your glucose levels up and down which can make you tired and grumpy.

if im tired i make myself get some fresh air and if that dont work then i grap a little nap listen to your body.

best to nip to your doc just to check everything is ok

this used to happen to me too when i was about the same age. i would go to bed about 10pm, be up about 7am. i would get in from school and fall asleep until dinner time at about 6pm. i would sometimes also fall asleep in the bath in the evening too!

i am still a very sleepy person and sometimes fall asleep on the tube to/from work and also in particularly slow meetings! oops! i will often sleep until mid morning on weekends when i don;t have to get up. i think i am just a sleepy person!

i don't think there is anything wrong with you though perhaps it may be an idea to have a chat with the doc, just in case.

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