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Greying Teeth

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smurfchops | 18:49 Tue 24th Sep 2024 | Body & Soul
7 Answers

Is there anything over the counter/online to whiten teeth,that are not yellowing from cigarettes, coffee, wine etc but going slightly grey (specially in photos) that I believe comes with age??



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I use the McCleans whitening toothpaste.. I think it's quite good.

bicarbonate of soda, cheap and effective - apply with dry toothbrush,

I look so terrible that I dont thnk my teeth are the leading defect

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I have boughtMySweetSmile powder but it's not working yet which makes me think it's not for greying teeth... just yellow or brown...  

Consider having you teeth professionally cleaned by a dentist and use an electric toothbrush to maximise the brushing effect – I brush my teeth 3 times a day and they don’t anywhere near match the unnatural brilliant white teeth of most TV presenters.

What causes it ? If it's thinning enamal you may want to avoid abrasive whiteners. Maybe use the stuff claimed to repair enamel ? Or ask your dentist about bonding or veneers ?

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