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Ovary Ultrasound

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JinnyJoan | 11:21 Thu 26th Sep 2024 | Body & Soul
24 Answers

I have to get one of these next week and am dreading it.  With my having fibromyalgia - the thought of indepth pushing fills me with dread.  I do think I am not getting the vaginal thingy cos I asked the hospital - they did say no -  and if they do produce this probe the width of a walking stick - that aint going in either.  Doctor last week mentioned Ach I done all all your bloods but would like the"ovary blood" tested.  Never heard tell of it.  Then you keep River Niagara in your stomach for them to press it out again.  That's all I can say.  



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My wife says it is no different from the scan pregnant ladies have.  Cold goo on your tummy, and a device rubbed over the area.

Sometimes they do use a probe internally but you've been told you are not having that.  Nowt to worry about

An ovary blood test is the same as most blood tests, blood taken from your arm.

An internal is only usually required if the subject is obese. Otherwise they just use the same scan as for maternity.

they warm the goo up nowadays :)


It's been a good few years since my wife's op 

Yes it's an external scan for ovaries,  and a regular blood test from the arm. 

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sorry my bad ^^^^^^  - I did say ovary test but that has already been done by doctor - hence he wanted ovary ultrasound

I hope you don't refuse to have the ultrasound, JJ

Surely an ultrasound is non-invasive.

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no I wont Barry - it is next Wed but I tell you one thing Baz - let a man  get a probe/walking stick up his penis - then there would be no more.

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Tilly I know they are pretty non-invasive but do know they have to press down really hard and I do have fibromyalgia 

I was wrong. I've just found this, JJ. It may help.


What happens?

You usually have this scan in the imaging department or gynaecological outpatient clinic.

A doctor (radiologist) or sonographer will do your scan. A sonographer is a trained professional who specialises in ultrasound scanning.

When you are in the scan room, they’ll ask you to undress from the waist down. You can wear a hospital gown or they’ll give you a sheet to cover yourself with.

You lie on your back on the scanning couch with your knees bent and legs apart. If this position is difficult for you, you may be able to lie on your side with your knees drawn up to your chest.

The doctor or sonographer puts a protective cover over the slim ultrasound probe and covers it with lubricating gel.

They gently put the probe into the lower part of your vagina. If you’d prefer, you can put the probe in yourself, similar to putting in a tampon. The scan may feel uncomfortable as they move the probe around. But it shouldn’t hurt and isn’t usually painful, so tell the sonographer if this is the case.

The scan takes around 15 minutes.

I've had a probe up my penis.  It is totally unnatural for men to have anything put up there. Uncomfortable, but I was heroic and didn't cry 🥴

"To have an ultrasound scan of the ovaries, your doctor or radiographer moves a probe over the lower part of your tummy"

it is not as though he is going to try to take out your appendix without an anaesthetic or blow you up until you pop

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no Tilly - absolutely no probe - just the pelvic scan - if they produce the probe - they can stick it up themselves.  I contacted the hospital ultrasound department - they have told me no walking stick oh no probe. 

Barry - I dont think she has  a penis

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well done Barry - very brave man x

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pp - I am generalising about men - including you too PP LOL

PP is just being obtuse, JJ.

OK she does then. I am a reasonable man

US - You lie on the couch, get squirted with goo, and they use a probe to squelch around your belly button. simples

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