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If A Habitual User Of Cocaine Found Himself In...

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sandyRoe | 18:28 Fri 25th Oct 2024 | Body & Soul
7 Answers

... police custody would there be a doctor on call if he lapsed into withdrawal symptoms?

Of course, thats assuming there are such symptoms after an abrupt stop.



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Cant complain Sandy thanks. Above ground and sober 😁
18:51 Fri 25th Oct 2024

Yes, it would be part of the risk assessment carried out when a person is detained

My local custody suite has round the clock nurses on duty 24/7.

Presumebly a doctor would be on call as well.

Last time that I was a 'guest' I had to be medicated 3 times for alcohol withdrawal until I was charged and bailed.


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Poor Stephen Waxy-Lemon, I'll mention him in my prayers tonight.

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How's things, Nailedit, all good, I hope.

Grumpiness and hunger are seldom fatal, I'm sure fiends will be fine if they allow equilibrium to return.

Cant complain Sandy thanks. Above ground and sober 😁

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