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Bazile | 17:05 Mon 28th Oct 2024 | Body & Soul
8 Answers

Do you visit your podiatrist on a regular basis ?



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Er indoors and myself done our visit today 

Something relaxing about having your toe nails cut and filed and a scrape of your sole followed by some moisturising - wouldn't you say ?

Just have a pedicure when I have a facial





OH does, every 6 weeks unless something else happens and then it can be every week.  Down to twice a month at the moment (NHS treatment tied up with leg surgery and poor circulation).

Personallyt, I'm desperate for a facial.  :)

I've never been to one.

I was going to book an appointment a while, as I had a big toenail that had grown far too thick to be cut with either scissors or nail clippers.  However my eye then fell upon my pair of gardening secateurs - problem solved!  😊

Never.  Can't stand anyone except me touching my feet.  

"Never.  Can't stand anyone except me touching my feet."

Me neither.

Couldn't bare the thought of anyone messing about with my plates. Mind you, I don't think they'd be too happy to get involved either once they saw them.

I once had to visit a chiropodist to have an ingrowing toenail sorted out.It was absolute agony but she was a saint. That was enough for me.  

I love it when the dog licks my feet but the idea of anyone doing anything else, forget it.

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