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Bladder Cancer And Prostate Cancer ?

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grandpajoe | 21:27 Fri 13th Dec 2024 | Body & Soul
4 Answers

I do have Bladder cancer and am being treated for it. The pain I have started getting these past two weeks is not nice and feels as it is in the  bottom of my bladder and lower down in the prostate and penis. I have had 20 sessions of Radiography on my bladder but this pain is nasty . I will be reporting this new(ish) pain to the hospital on Monday. Meanwhile ????    Cheers  Chris



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meanwhile, takke regular painkillers - what do you have available pain killer wise?

My best guess (based upon having had 37 sessions of radiotherapy, after 10 maximum-dose sessions of chemotherapy, for Stage 4 prostate cancer) is that you're simply experiencing pain from tissue damage caused by the radiotherapy beam hitting areas that it wasn't meant to (which is always unavoidable anyway). i.e. it's not nice but it's not something to start panicking about.

If you'd got any other form of cancer (or secondary cancer from the spread of your bladder cancer), it would have shown up on the MRI and/or CT scans which you surely must have had.

Take paracetamol 1 g every four  hours regulary and if the pain  persists - add in Ibuprofen 200 every six hours ( at a different time) along with omeprasole and or landsop.

The loading  dose for Paracetamol is 40mg/kg ( eight tabs for a big fella) but hell how that advice makes ABers and  the mods howl and squawk !

If you have had 20 sessions then it sounds as tho you have completed the course and rung the bell !

Radiation therapy to the pelvis (including reproductive organs, the bladder, colon and rectum) can irritate the bladder and urinary tract. These problems often start several weeks after radiation therapy begins and go away several weeks after treatment has been completed.

certainly pain relief is the only thing you need until Monday

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