Is The Public Expecting Too Much...
Society & Culture0 min ago
After my last post,
(And because im an alcoholic, some people like to take a free kick....carry on!!)
But I'm not well, and everything gets put down to drink.
Ive had pain in my right side for weeks (Apparentlty nothing wrong)
Ive got blood blisters all over my body inclooding under my nails.
My veins are popping out of my legs, looks like im wearinfg a pair of cords!!!
Ive got a blockage in my throat. Im constantly trying to swallow.
A&E just send me home saying its down to my alcohol use.
Got an appointment with local alcohol/drug serveces onn the 20th of this month.
Ive had friends in the past that have ended up dying because Medics have put everything down to theire addiction and not looking behind that.
It is difficult for the medics to get a proper 'reading' of your system because it is constantly full of alcohol. The way that the body reacts to, and breaks down, alcohol involves all of the systems; hepatic, cardiac, renal, etc. and in A&E they don't have the time, or resources to carry out full diagnostic tests to get to the bottom of your symptoms.
Trying to cut back on your daily intake would certainly help - probably with your symptoms and allow the medics opportunity to make a proper diagnosis of your troubles.
It doesn't seem fair for you to be treated this way but the NHS is under such strain at the moment.
I wish you well.
Nailedit - have you had any investigations for liver problems or for ? peptic ulcer. Both can present pain over the lower right side of the ribs. I haven't been following your posts and don't know if these reasons for your pain. have been suggested previously. As Jackthehat stated, medics prefer a patient to be "dry" before doing all the tests, etc. required. All the best.
I'm sorry that it feels like you are crying in the wilderness. Because you are. Patience, tolerance, and understanding are in short supply these days. You are on your own nails. A complete detox might help, but withdrawal could be counterproductive.
Your body is weakened because of your response to your addiction. Both mentally and physically you've depleted your resources. Prepare to meet your maker, or, prepare to persuade yourself that this is your last chance to heal yourself again. Drink quality stilled water only for a few days. No sugar or bread products. No electronic stimulation, TV, computers etc. Read classic literature, Meditate, though you are not religious, pray to an unknown power greater than yourself, ask for help from the universe. Sounds completely stupid? So's your predicament. Nails, you can probably repair some of your own handiwork, or you can face the consequences of an uncaring overwhelmed social fabric slowly crumbling. Self help required, no one cares.
you are an intelligent man who suffers from depression and addiction. You hide your pain in a bottle. Decide if you want to kill or cure, alternatively, that decision will be made for you.
You can become the victim or the hero.
//your body is simply unable to compensate any more for the abuse you've been showing it for a long time, and that is the cause of all your symptoms//
That maybe, but it doesnt help any!
I'm in so much pain that has been diagnoseds as "probably" been due to alcohol abuse. Since when has "probably" been a diagnosis???
Btreaking out in blood spots and unable to probably breath?