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Alternative Remedies for Period Pain et al

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msemma | 19:06 Fri 20th Jan 2006 | Body & Soul
8 Answers

I have very heavy, very painful periods for which I get medication from the doctors. I get nauseous and the pills i take don't really stop the pain. I usuall get my boyfriend to rub levender oil into my tunny but this doesn't really do much except make him feel he is helping a bit. Does anyone know of any good alternative therapies / herbs / remedies? I've tried Agnus Castus and nettle tea doesn't do much.



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I used to swear by raspberry leaf tablets. You need to be careful not to take them when pregnant (herbal doesn't equate to safe, so do check out side effects and contraindications) but they did help.

Mine aren't nearly so bad now, so take heart - they might well ease as you get older.

Hi msemma. I don't know if you're a fan of yoga, but I find it really helpful. There's a bit of info about which 'asanas' are beneficial here:

Also, Black Cohosh is supposed to be good for period pain and is widely available in health food stores. I haven't tried it myself, but a couple of friends have said it's worked for them.

Hi, maybe its worth visiting a chinese herbal shop, they maybe able to help, however what they give you may taste bitter or not very tasty so be aware of that, but it worked for me. Also I was told that maybe changing your diet will help ie, more vegetables and fruit avoiding hot and spicy foods around the time of your period.

Massage definately helps on the feet and back areas, ask your boyfriend to help you with that!

It's not "alternative", but a Merena coil was the answer to my similar problem. Ordinary coils make periods heavier, but a Merena lessens them. Once there's less flow, there isn't that nasty dragging sensation. And as a contraceptive it's the most effective thing around.

muscle rub on the tum might help, but i found once that the thing that soothed it most was, bizarrely, a go on a fairground ride!!

Not very practical i know, but i didn't want to go on it because i felt rough but my friends talked me in to it - i felt great for about an hour afterwards no pain at all - could have been adrenalin and endorphins, but i don't get in the slightest bit scared on rides, though i do like them, so it could have been like a deep shifting about of your insides etc - so i suggest doing a few minutes of mad jumping/dancing around - handstands, rollovers etc etc - might work!

otherewise, best thing is hot water bottle

is the medication the doctor gave you called something like "ponds"? because if it wasn't, you could ask him about it instead. I was given this by my doctor and I found it did help. He gave it to me also to stop the nausea as I used to get a morning sickness like things the day before and first few days of my period - weird.

I also use a mooncup too now and that has really helped my cycle. It causes a gentle suction action which helps to make the actual period a day or so shorter. I get very heavy periods, tho thankfully the pain is much better these days (has been since I had a section actually again -weird.) and I have found the mooncup to be far more reliable for me than either pads or tampons too. It has been a breath of fresh air on lots of fronts.

When it is bad though, nothing for it but hot bath, cammomile tea and a hot water bottle. I take neurofen sp? and paracetomal together for it too sometimes.

I hope you find something that helps, I can quite sympathise.

Like mimififi mentioned, camomile tea is supposed to help alleviate period pains. I hope you find something that works :)

Exercise definitely helps me, just a thought-it's a bit of a struggle to make the effort, but always makes me feel better and the pain is not nearly as bad.

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