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Redbel | 03:37 Sat 21st Jan 2006 | Body & Soul
6 Answers

Can I ask you all what you think of this idea, this was invented by my cousins. It has now got the American backing and they are hoping it does well.

Thanks all xx

Hope it works..... I never get these paste and copy things right.



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Oh just to say, this is not an advertisement for anything as they are still working on it.

I cycle 50 miles per week and would be *very* interested in this.

the man in the photo has a metal willy. How wrong.
Fab invention and excellent for kids bikes, this should be a BS standard on all bikes for school kids and also they should try to make one for Aprillas and the like.
Excellent, stay friendly with them - i reckon they are gonna do very well Lol !.
Great response you are getting well done Bez

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