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4getmenot | 13:52 Thu 23rd Feb 2006 | Body & Soul
58 Answers
When i go to nightclubs I get alot of blokes grabbing my butt. Is there anyone out there that actually likes guys doing this? It annoys the hell out of me and I dont know why blokes thinks it might impress women.


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I don't think these guys think you will like it, i think they know they haven't got a chance with you so figure a quick stolen feel is the best they can get so its better than nothing.

i would fill this thread with my stories - arrrgghh!

joko - just remind me what exactly did I do to you which makes you want to belittle me at every given opportunity?

I only genuinely remember your user name because you haunt me.

I do not intend to say anything further to you but I would give you a piece of advice - get off my back>Are your eyes green per chance?

BTW Voice of Reason - could you visit grannies 50p site cos I genuinely need advice.No funny stuff - dug a hole etc.I wouldnt ask but I do need your genuine advice.
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Drisgirl, whats joko done. Peace on my post please :-) :-)
Sorry -4getmenot.
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Thats ok, I forgive you but only this once mind :-)

I am sorry to you 4getmenot but it is after all an open forum.

joko's last sentence referred to a post I made at 16.11.

Now I dont know you and you dont know me and joko doesnt know me.I think people should be careful when they post potentially hurtful replies.

So for the both of you - Rape arrgghh!!

Just as well I can maintain my sense of humour in the face of unneccessary posts from people who dont know me.

I know I can be a bit fiesty and in your face but I always shy short of being personal because I dont like to hurt peoples feelings - I am aware behind the facade there is a human lurking.

Sorry again 4getmenot and I am grateful for you forgiving me.

I appreciate what has been said regarding police action, they may not get a conviction but with all the police attention he'll certainly think twice about doing it again. He will also be on the police DNA database and if he were a budding rapist or other criminal then he will now have little chance of getting away with anything.

My wife was a police forensic scientist and has dealt with hundreds of rape cases. Whilst this gropping activity can sometimes be thought of as a laugh, the people doing it often progress to more serious crimes.

I agree with you Stanleyman and I appreciate your response.Although of is often made light of,even by myself as a form of self protection, it was disgusting and I felt violated.My husband had to come home in the middle of the night via the only plane which was leaving Ireland and then get the train from Newcastle.We lost a lot of money through this mans behaviour and I still have to face him but I rise above it.
My post had absolutely NOTHING to do with you!!
Why don't you get down off your high horse & read my post again - as though it was the very first reply?
Perhaps you will see what I actually meant?
This was not even your question!
I would also like to know, even if it had been directed at you - what part of it was offensive??
It�s agreeing that men can be idiots, & disagreeing that they do it because they think women like it - I explain clearly why I think they do it � sneaky stolen feel-ups because they know they won't get any further, so a sly grope is better than nothing
I cannot believe your arrogance!!
If it was to you I�d have put your name at the top � as is the way on here.
What are you on about �rape �argh!� - read my post, I never mentioned rape!
I said �I could fill this thread with my stories � argh!� � because there are loads of them & they drive me mad!
What in your brain perceives this as a hurtful comment?
Do tell because I am baffled?
Why do you think 4getmenot asked you what I�d done? Because they couldn�t see anything either!
Green eyes? � what are you on? Jealous of what exactly? Haunt you? Get a grip!
Why would you assume I try to belittle you?
We argued once & given this irrational nonsense you�re spouting, its easy to see why!
We�ve chatted a few times since & I�d have thought it was clear I bear no grudges to anyone I have a disagreement with!
You really think you are that important to me that I�d target you?
I cannot believe the utter garbage you have come out with here � I am stunned!
Believe me, If I wanted to have a go at you you�d bl00dy well know about it!
I realize you�ve obviously had a bad time but don�t take it out on me!!
I�d like to know if any other posters can see what drisgirl means?

What part of this links to my post?

�What is it with men in social situations � full of drink.
On a lighter note - well it cant get much heavier than my previous post.Well it could but dont want to go there.I am going to write a book as my brother suggested as each thread on here brings back memories!!
Anyway I digress - I was in a busy pub in Edinburgh and this guy was holding court with 3 birds,I was needing past so I said 'Excuse me' and he said 'How what have you done'whilst chuckling at his own 'wit' and looking at the birds.I said 'Farted and it was a hot silent one' and kept going.The girls all laughed and he was left saying'There was no need for that'.I hadnt by the way - I keep those treasures for the bed to annoy my husband:)�

The work book and the word stories?? Is that all? Tenuous or what!

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I was making a joke out the whole thing Drisgirl because I really didnt see what joko had done wrong. And also this isnt an open Forum it a site where people answer questions and maybe discuss it for a bit, Although I loved your answers and they made me laugh :-) please so both pack it in because it really is getting boring now, I just think you wind eachother up :-) Forget the past and answer some more questions :-)

Apologies to others for my language - lost my temper and submitted before I'd cooled down.
Forgot it's a family site.

Vaguely thought they'd be censored though - I guess they don't if you have already censored them yourself. Obvious really, but wasn't thinking.

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Very good of you to apologise joko. :-) HAPPY FRIDAY :-)

Ok, I must admit that I can't really see what is offensive in joko's post but I don't know the history between you so there may be something underlying that I don't notice? I don't know. But it does seem a bit unnecessary, I was busy catching up and laughing at the other posts and then BAM a big fat upset on poor 4getmenot's post!

Joko, how's about you do tell us one of your stories? Lighten it up again?

It's not just the boys that get up to this kind of thing, if I had a pound for every time a girl pinched my bottom, I'd have around �12! (not that I'm counting). But maybe thats just because I've got a cute 'tush'!
The Sun has just come out - yippee!
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smudge ?? Is it sunny where you are??

Yes, it is in South Bedfodrshire 4getmenot!

Ooops, spoke too soon - it's popping in & out now!!

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Tis sunny here aswell :-)

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