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HELP ....... I have a stalker!!!

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maputo | 11:47 Wed 01st Mar 2006 | Body & Soul
9 Answers
A while back now � around last September � I had what started out as a one night stand with a married woman 10 years older than me.
We didn't see or speak for two weeks and then bumped into each other again in the street on Saturday lunch time; we talked, had a laugh, went for a drink and ended up back at mine. This sex got very, very kinky and we started seeing more of each other. I told her that even though I was single, I wasn't looking for anything serious and that she shouldn't get attached � she agreed.

It carried on for a while, but about a month ago, things started getting a bit weird between the sheets (she liked me to call her Auntie).

Anyway, I called it all off as it just got too weird for me. But now I can't get away from her. She constantly sends me texts, writes letters & hand delivers them through my door and I keep bumping into her locally. I live alone & am single, so there is no problem there, but I just don't want the communication anymore.

No matter how many times I tell he, it keeps happening

Suggestions please ��������

(Oh yea, and I know it was wrong of me to get involved with a married woman in the first place!!)


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Tell her very calmly that you find her behaviour intimidating and that you will be forced to get an injunction if she doesn't stop hassling you and see whether that stops her. And if it doesn't, you need to consider actually carrying out that threat.
Standard bunny boiler behaviour it seems. I bet she threatens to tell her hubby if you keep turning her down (and she will tell tell him a different story to yours). Try & be as sincere as possible to her explaining that you had a great time but it has to end. Explain it's nothing personal but just not for you. Beware though " a woman scorned.........."

Blimmey maputo sounds like you got hold of a right weird "Auntie" there!!

I agree with what these two have said here, you could also maybe try changing your mobile (if its a personal one) number or you could also just try ignoring her, she mught just go away if she's getting no attention from you anymore. All the time she thinks she's getting to you, she might be seeing it as a challenge.

Good luck though - Think you'll need it!!!

I think you've already had some good suggestions. You could also try doing things that will not appeal to her. For example, you've been nice to her - next time you speak to her, be a bit nasty... you've acted like a gent - start acting like a real loser... you've told her how nice she is - now tell her she's too old, too boring, too kinky, whatever... you've been on your best behaviour (aren't we all when we're trying to impress?) - now be a shiftless, nose-picking, burping, unshaven, crotch-scratching scrote, and see if she still finds you so irresistible. I don't think you'd have to keep this up very long; she'll wonder what the hell she ever saw in you. If fact I'm asking myself that already, and I don't even know you, you scruffy toe-rag!

Just ignore her, she will soon move on to the next victim.

I think this is natural behaviour, at least for short while after being dumped.

sending a few texts and letters to someone you have just split with is not stalking! and like you said you both live locally so of course you will bump into her!

when you like someone, and they unexpectedly dump you, and you are upset you don't just say "ok" and thats the end of it!

some people make an effort to get them back and only after a time they realise its not working and not going to happen, they eventually give up.

did you really expect her to just leave it at that?

unless she is being abusive and threatening, you will just have to ride it out for a bit - she will inevitably get bored and move on, but you can't expect her feelings to disappear overnight.

Post the letters she sends you to her address with her husbands name on.

The best way to deal with a stalker is ignore them, because they are trying to 'drive' you into making a response. As others have said, if it gets too bunny boilerish, speak to the police. Good luck!

Men - they want it all! Why is it when they have had enough of a woman they always try to end it by saying the same same words "We had FUN" what is all that about, FUN? All men are scared of getting emotionally involved and let's face it maputo you DID join in the kinky games for a time and you admitted you enjoyed it....things got a bit too much for you? Can't take the pace it seems....oh dear....and you need to rephrase the stalking part, that is a get out clause men use when a woman simply wants to know deserve all you made your bed, now lie in face the consequences...........everything ends badly, otherwise it wouldnt end....good luck, you need it.

Sorry to be so brash but no point pussy-footing around these things....

RQ :)

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HELP ....... I have a stalker!!!

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