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blood pressure

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jojo100 | 02:09 Mon 27th Mar 2006 | Body & Soul
8 Answers

any ways to lower it wiv out taking drugs, i understand about the blood pressure, just need to know of others ways.




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Calm yourself, with slow, regular breathing, and deliberate and conscious relaxation, and imagine your blood pressure (as shown on a graph or some sort of scale, in your mind's eye) is gradually dropping. This is as good a method as any, and there are no side effects, which there generally are with the use of drugs. Of course, if you think this is a load of cobblers, it won't work. Conversely, if you think it will, it will. You're always right! Good to know, eh?
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i believe lol really do..

yeah my sister said i need to de-stress and relax more, ill try it thanks.

stop smoking, lose wieght, do more exercise eat less saly. All the fun things basically!
Yes more exercise, much less salt, no fried food (try to dry fry with no oil) no animal fats. Yes it gets boring!!

Following on from all the other brill answers - join a local Yoga club!

(If you have the time of course - good luck too).

Losing weight if your are overweight can often eliminate the need for drugs altogether, and combining this with gentle but regular exercise such as walking will help. Also avoiding fatty food and too much carbohydrate.
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thanks all

but i have for a long time reduce my salts, fats etc, i dont eat meat, i exercise alot, walk more then get the bus or car, so i do know, i just dont want to hav to take drugs if i can help it,.

jojo. Muller and I think Flora have brought out a BP lowering drink. Just one little bottle a day:-)

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