last thursday or friday, I can't remember, but I was listening to a radio play about a girl who has cancer and a poor relationship with her mother. Anyway, she decides to repair the relationship, but doesn't tell her mum about the cancer (lots of reasons, too many to go into here) and just as they get really close, the girl dies and the mum's grief is just too much to bear. But instead of wallowing she runs the race for life with a sign on her back reading "For Joanie".
The sorrow was overwheleming, i felt scarred for the rest of the day. I couldn't lift the sadness it had left in me. If I had lived nearer, I would have gone round to my mum's house just to tell her that I didn't have cancer as far as I knew and I hoped not to die soon and if I did, then I would tell her. But then she would think that I was barmy.