I cant find another section to put it in so what have you collected, as said elsewhere my sis photographed toilets and made notes about their operation
I'm still confused over this toilet collection thingy (you mentioned it another post as well?). And how on earth do you makes notes of their operations.....?
Drinking vessels, Tankards/Mugs/Chalices/Goblets, but they must be made of wood, the oldest i've got was hand made out of Applewood, hand coopered (brass rings and handle), made in Plymouth in Nelsons time, I also have a Goblet from about that time, with Napoeons crest attached.
I�m almost as weird as you sister then because when I was at school I collected bits of signed toilet paper for a joke and had my teachers sign pieces from their house. :-)
There was a programme on the other day about a man who loves traffic roundabouts - he goes all over England taking photographs of them and sticking them on the wall. Thinks he has the largest collection in the world. Hello .... ?
Answer for jules, the hand coopered one, I just missed out on another on Ebay, too much for me, I stopped bidding at �85-00, it went for �132.99. as for the collection, I don't know, but I have a Tankard from America, pre 1900, with a picture of Stting Bull hand painted on it.
I collect postcards, specifically of places which mean something to me. I have a postcard of the house I was born in and one of mine and Mr Spudqueens first house. Still trying to find one of our present house, so I'm constantly on the look out on e-bay.