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Pain in the back

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CLOWN TICKLE | 07:40 Wed 12th Apr 2006 | Body & Soul
14 Answers
Heres a sensible question, some of you will know I broke my vertabrae in two places and developed osteoporosis in the spine, what I cant understand is that I used to be strong and able to carry shopping without trouble, now I have to keep going back to the car with it, my back aches constantly and if I am on my feet washing or sitting in an office chair its really bad, is it the osteo or still healing breaks


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Ask ya docter!
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There have been plenty of people suggesting interesting questions for this site, given the fact that many people suffer low back pain it is not unreasonable to suppose that someone may have had similar experiences which they might wish to share. After all I am awaiting Physiotherapy, you might care to read some of my earlier posts

Hello Clown Tickle. I broke a vertebra at Christmas and have been scanned for osteoporosis. I understand what you mean about the back ache. My doctor sent me to a NHS physiotherapist who has given me back strengthening exercises and explained all sorts of things. I am so much better now. Don't ever attempt to carry too much at one time whatever you do. I find that my back aches more if I stand still, e.g. peeling veg at sink. The physio gave me exercises to strengthen my stomach muscles. This is what is needed to strengthen your back and stop the constant ache.

I do sympathise with you as I can empathise with you.

What I suggest is that you go back to your GP and ask if you can be referred to a Physiotherapist as soon as possible. I am told by my GP that the breaks should heal within 6/8 weeks, so your pain now would seem to be muscular.

There is light at the end of the tunnel - take it from one who knows

Best wishes x

Shame some people are so rude and childish CLOWN TICKLE. Good job most ABers are nice people!

Take care

Question Author
see bonzi thats the sort of ANSWER we would expect on this site
hi clown tickle, if the pain is muscular as gessoo suggests you may be able to get a painkilling gel from your GP called Feldene (generic name is Piroxicam) I have fibromyalgia and the gel is pretty good, much better than strong painkiller tablets
I agree with Pixi. However, I developed an awful rash from the pain killing gel!! I would point out I have a really sensitive skin.
ah, yes, but didnt the other answers suggest that you go see your doctor? not being rude, just stating the obvious. its up to you how you take my answers.
Sorry CLOWN TICKLE. I didn't digest the bit that says you are awaiting Physio. So you are on the right track.
also the gel leaves flaky yellow bits on your skin :( not very nice really

Hi Clown Tickle, just a suggestion on the shopping front, I use a shopping trolley!!! and I love it...heres some.....*************=488

ok, try again, site doesnt like something about shopping carts!!!

sorry 'bout this, it's under the travelling bit....

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Pain in the back

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