Physical symptoms of anaemia, which can be present to a lesser or greater degree, depending on the severity of the anaemia;
2.Shortness of breath
3.Pallour of skin.
4.Glossitis of tongue
5.Pale skinbed beneath the eyes(pull the skin down to see)
Pale gums
Pale nailbeds
"Spooning" of nailbeds
Two most common types of anaemia
1. Iron Deficiency
2. B12/Folate Deficiency
Iron, B12 and Folate are all required in the manufacture of red blood cells, so the lack of one of these building blocks for whatever reason (and there are many reasons why one or more may be lacking) results in the reduced production of red cells, and therefore reduced oxygen carrying capacity.
Taking iron supplements is often the treatment for Iron deficiency, but taking iron can have side effects, typically constipation...
All types of anaemia are treatable, and pernicious anaemia is effectively a form of autoimmune disease and is relatively rare.... is treated if memory serves by injections of either Intrinsic Factor and/or B12