Boobs and losing weight... in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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Boobs and losing weight...

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whiskeysheri | 14:14 Tue 18th Apr 2006 | Body & Soul
8 Answers

How come when on a diet some women lose a lot from their chest and some don't?

I'm dieting and losing weight from everywhere I want (which is great), except for my boobs! I want to look in proportion once I've finished losing the weight x

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i havnt got an answer for your question but how are you losing weight whiskey cos i want to start losing weight but dont no were to start sorry for hyjacking your thread
Thought that would be a bonus. You'll be a slim, jugged up bird.
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That's alright honey! I'm eating 1200 calories a day at the moment and seems to be working. I have to say I eat about half of those in the evening when I'm home as that's the time I start picking. I use Phase 2 tablets too (I think these do help, whether it's psychological or not...), because I eat heaps of carbs.

I weigh myself every Friday morning and make a note of it. I need to start exercising though, but like you, don't really know where to start. Good luck hun!

By the way, it's gone out of the window over Easter (I'll start again once the eggs have gone :o)) x

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I'll topple over richie! ;o) x
do them phase 2 give you any side effects huney :o)

I think if you have big boobs naturally and not through weight gain you're not going to lose anything from them. I was top heavy from the age of 13 and there's not much you can do about it except surgery. just enjoy them and flaunt it a little! - I found that when I lost weight I lost body size from the chest area but not cup size...which made it even more difficult to find a decent bra that doesn't look like it was made at the local ship yard! booooooooooooooooo!!!

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I know what you mean, Lore ;o)

No side effects for me, Sam. They're only made from white kidney beans, so I think they're pretty harmless. xxx

Keep the boobs, whiskey,you will never drown, and i could shelter under them when it's hot !!!

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