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Rubyrose | 15:43 Tue 18th Apr 2006 | Body & Soul
16 Answers

Do you give answers on here, according to your own views and ideas or do you tend to follow the standard?

I was in msn just now and a friend of mine who uses AB said I was being a hypocrit as I just handed out advice to someone who's partner had been cheating on them but also I text someone I know who is married, asking them to meet me for a drink! I'm not defending myself and I know its probably wrong.. but my point is.. I give advice on how I see the situation. Not how I think the answer should go. If someone posted asking how to tempt a man away from his wife.. I wouldn't give them a mouthful of abuse telling them its wrong. I'd answer the Q... I'd probably advice them it was wrong but at the end of the day.. people make their own minds up. The amount of times I have asked for advice and didn't follow it because its not what I wanted to hear or I had already made my mind up anyway! People don't hear it until they are ready to!



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I tend to do the same, I think if I were a friend of mine I would give me a stern telling off about my life :-) People do make there own minds up, but hey its good to talk :-)
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4getmenot - Thats very true. If I was m friend I'd probably think less of me right now. But sometimes the things that are wrong are the things that seem the most appealing, no matter how many 'telling offs' you get. :o)
Just because you're meeting someone for a drink, that happens to be married, doesn't mean you're going to be playing hide the sausage with them.
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Richie - I was kind of hoping it would.. Lol

In that case, it's horses for courses.

PS. If it doesn't give us a shout.!

I always follow the moral, "Do as I say, not as I do!" ;-)
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Lol. Will do Richie. ;o)
I always give my own answer, if I agree with previous views I prolly won't answer, no point really. The more different replies the better I think.
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Thing is with that Peter.. if someone just wanted to know a quick answer to something and someone who has answered before you has already covered it then thats fine but if someone wants to know what they should do in a situation and 3 people answer saying 'Don't do it, its wrong' and only 1 person answers saying 'Yes do it, its a good idea'.. 5 people might have looked in and agreed with the 'Yes do it' answer but not felt the need to answer.. in that case the Q asker will think the majority of people disagree! Did that make sense? :oS

Yeah Ruby it makes sense, but you can't always tell that from the question - I can't anyway ;)

my answer....yes.
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Lol Dan.. how vague!!! lol
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I tend to answer questions based on my own knowledge and life experiences. I don�t think you�re a hypocrite as it�s entirely at your discretion if you want to mention that you are currently an �other woman�.

All I know is that right now I have that bluddy song, �Always look on the bright side of life� going through my head. ARGH!!!
your very welcome ;o)
I always give my views as to how I would act in the situation, views which I try to follow myself. I like to think I'm a fairly upstanding, decent sort of bloke who's led a pretty honest life up to now, so the advice I give normally tends to follow the 'morally correct' route, as that's the kind of guy I am myself.

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