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whiskeysheri | 22:00 Thu 20th Apr 2006 | Body & Soul
14 Answers

What was your role in the classroom? Were you the class clown or geek?

Is it still your role now? At work/ home? Tell me some stories..... (please) xxx WS



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I was the class clown....

I still wear my hair in pig tails sometimes!!!!!!!!

I was very quiet....was quite funny .

When I did my English oral for olevel in front of whole class for a publiuc talk...people peesed themselves inc the teacher markin it...but I got a crap mark for it

yeah i was the class clown because i was so loopy and hypoactive which i still am work so now im the office clown lol.

sorry to break of the subject but how is your neice whiskey i hope she is okx

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Thanks, Sam hun! She's doing great now, I've updated my thread with all the info. Thanks for caring so much- you're a star xxx
i was always a bit of a mix. I'd be a clown one minute then be the mature thinker the next. Handsome, strong, intellectual. these were a few of the words i wish i could have been described as. Oh well. Im all those things now, modest too. ;o)

Well in Elementary school and Junior High, I was in the "popular" crowd. But then when I was 16 my parents separated, and I became really depressed. My friends only cared about drinking, drugs and sex, and that just wasn't who I was ever (well except for drinking), So I dropped my friends and started over.

Best decision I ever made!

I was the class clown but at the same time I was always top or near top of the class academically. I used to laugh so much in secondary school during R.E I could hardly breathe. But in other classes I was a saint. My school reports were uncanny as some teachers said really bad things, then other teachers would say really nice things and be really surprised that the other teacher said I acted like that.

Im an accountant now, BUT not a suit wearing stuffy think im super intelligent type. I know my stuff, but I dont carry the same attitude that some people might expect me to have. Nor do I care much about how people perceive me, on nights out I strip, jump around, and some people are shocked to think Im an accountant, like I shouldn't act a certain way.

So really im not all that different. I work hard where it counts and the rest of the time - I dont...
I was loud, full of opinion, started debates, made jokes, shouted at the teachers... Yep.. I'm pretty much still like that! Ohwell. :o) I think I have been the same since school really.. I can really honestly say I don't think I've changed. I have maybe got more confident in myself and now I tend not to give a cr@p what people think of me. But still the same. I was always the joker but I could be very serious and abit of a team leader. Yep.. I'm actually just like that now.. at work when we had a team building day.. I told my team 'Lets not try and win, lets just have fun'.. and so we did and we won the bloomin' thing! 8 teams and we won.. and when they asked who was the team leader, who did you feel held the team together and spurred you on.. they all said me. I was sooo chuffed. I got a trophy :o)

i was always in with the 'popular' crowd at school but was also academic and worked hard. i think i was just very cheeky and had a bit of an attitude. in work though i've always got on quite well as that attitude has turned into an assertiveness which is often looked upon favourably in the world of work.

when i went to university though i dropped the attitude and was very well behaved; i got on with the work, never questioned my lecturers, never bunked and was quite quiet. i think the thing was that there were no rules to break so i just got on with it.

after uni though i went on to do a post-graduate course where the lecturer treated us like primary school children and suddenly i was in my twenties back with the attitude of a 16 year old (turning up late, writing notes at the back, taking the p*ss out of the teacher, etc). i think it just goes to show that sometimes 'rules' can actually have a bad effect on people!

i'm a secondary school teacher now and it's funny because the minute i walk into a class i can instantly catagorise which kids go in which group! funny that!

Ahhh Ruby....youve not changed a bit...i remeber when i took you for maths...Im Mr Bloggins by the way
well done ruby. I may be ****** but i know a good answer when i see one! ;o)

Zeus - Mr Bloggins? Oh no.. Mr Bloggin from the stationary cupboard? Oooh la la ;o)

Dan - Thanks hun.. Who said you was a ******? Let me at em' ;o*

I was very academic, but also always making people laugh. I was never in with the 'popular' crowd, but wouldn't have wanted to be, they were very false/fake and always trying to keep up a 'cool' act. As I've grown up, I've become increasingly confident. Despite being funny at school, I was always shy, but have come out of my shell a lot in the last five years.
robbo, I feel that I am you but in a different time zone. Strange, very strange.

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