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What was the last dream you had?

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Champagne | 11:06 Fri 21st Apr 2006 | Body & Soul
7 Answers
I dreamt this morning that I got up and was getting ready for work, only to wake up and have to go through the process all over again!


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I dreamt I had an interview for a job as a developer in a school (I know of no schools that employ programmers...).

The great thing was I was being interviewed by Dr Hope from Holby (aka Nigel from Eastenders).

Very surreal.
the last dream i had was rats eating my feet while i was asleep, it was horrid and now i have to sleep with my feet covered up!
My last dream was that I was getting ready for college and for some reason I went and bought some cool trainers, I came home and I felt like it was too late to go to college. I was disappointed because it was my first day back, yet it was a wednesday and I remember the real time i'm usually in.

Alot of people who usually work in the same industry have the same dreams. They're usually something like being really late or if you're a waitress you have too many tables and not enough time.

Lucid dreaming is the best, hard to do at will though.
I had a dream my best mate came and stayed with me. I don't see her often and she lives 4 hours away. We went out just like we used to and it was great fun. Then I woke up and missed her and sent her a text :o(
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That reminds me of another dream, Flash.

A short while ago I dreamt that I was putting on my trainers and I had socks for shoelaces!! They looked ridiculous and I was staring at my feet in despair and said, �What the hell was I thinking using socks as shoelaces?�. I couldn�t find any laces anywhere and I was scared of leaving the house because my trainers looked funny!! Hahahaha!

Of all the things to dream about... :o\
I had a dream last night of huge Quorn mushrooms and I was so excited, as we cannot get them over here. I need to get a life, I know.......
lol I wonder what it all really means... or does it?

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What was the last dream you had?

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