So some of you know my position. I'm want to have the contraceptive injection/implant and have an appointment with my Doctor at the end of next week but it occured to me that they might not be able to do it before my cycle starts again. Does anyone have any ideas?
I was under the impression that after I gave birth i would have to wait for my cycle to start before being given the pill, but i got the pill without having had a period.
They could always do a pg test just to make sure you are ok to take the implant.
As far as I'm aware you can have the injection at any point during your cycle so long as you use another form of contraception for about seven days til it becomes effective.
Not sure about the implant but i'm sure it is similar.
Don't worry millie143 there is nothing wrong with having the contreception implant before starting your period however many women find that they are simply not ready to have the injection before then.It is your choice.I just have to say I am sure you realise that I am not the woman that said those things to you.I would not have replied to your posts if I was.Good Luck!