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dental treatment

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Dawn Louise | 22:08 Thu 27th Apr 2006 | Body & Soul
7 Answers
side of tooth broken away. already filled so dentist has said will need to drill old filling away, put in a pin and build filling around this. I dont want this treatment. Can't they do something similar to the temporary covering that they have stuck on? I know this will only last a few weeks but isnt there a more permanent way of doing this without the need for another filling and pin?


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I would have it removed unless it is very visable

Never have tooth removed unless it's the absolute last option. They're there for a reason and I tell you you'd miss it if it wasn't there. The reason why the dentist need to put a pin in is because as you said you've lost half your tooth so there's nothing else to support the filling. Often dentist use a couple of pins and they work like pillars in cement. You're lucky that you can have pins as that is more or less the last option before crowning the tooth. What is it about it that you don't want?

I don't know what kind of temp filling they've used but you could always ask to get a composite filling if it's for cosmetic reasons you don't want a great big silver filling in there. - I'll obviously cost a bit more. And even with composite fillings you will still need the pin/s. Is it the pin factor you're against?

sorry - IT'LL cost more not I'll cost more. typo
I would personally have it out, as Im diabetic Im losing mine and cant wait for the denture

Its NEVER advisable to have teeth removed unless there is no alternative, its too costly for the patient to save or the patient is at severe risk of infection.

No matter how good a denture is it is NEVER a substitute for your own teeth.

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thanks for your answers. Yes I want to avoid at all cost having tooth out but just by having another filling in that tooth means that I'm going to lose a little more of my own tooth when they take the old filling out, so I'll not have very much left anyway! I guess I don't have any other option because to have it crowned also means that I'll lose more of the tooth. I'm just worried that my teeth are going to last that long! Right I'm going to stop feeling sorry for myself now and get it done asap.

Hi Dawn, this has happened to 2 of my back teeth. One, the dentist filled all around it. The second one, the side broke away, and (touch wood) its surviving on just the filling inside.

My dentist did say that, if my filling did not hold the tooth, then the only option would be, (a) taking the tooth out, or (b) root canal..

I just hope the filling holds!.....

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