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How can I out my hair into a perfect bun?

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Salamanda | 19:03 Thu 04th May 2006 | Body & Soul
7 Answers
I have interview tomorow and want to put my shoulder length hair on a bun, but not sure how to?? can anyone help?


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I know how I used to do it but hard to describe - I 'll have a go tho.

Put hair in a ponytail but dont quite pull the hair completely thru the band - in other words the ends of the ponytail are still stuck in the band so your hair looks like a loop.Then carefully grip the loop of hair to your head with hairgrips all the way round,making sure you dont see the grips.Even out when in place.That prob makes no sense whatsoever but I know what I mean!

I dislike buns that are tiny or shaped like small balls. lol To make it thicker looking, don't put the hair in a pony tail, break the hair into sections and make the bun out of several peices vs. one pony tail peice. For example like pigtails in the back of your head. But only make ONE bun out of the two peices. Twist the hair with gel , let dry a tad and then bobby pin. Place the boby pins as close to the scalp as possible, and you can never use too many! Just hide them well. Use a few bigger BASE pins, and then the smaller pins following. This way you can make any shape you like, a tear drop but, circle, oval etc. Good luck.
tear drop sorry
Check out those buns !
you can buy those things that are hair coloured look like a doughnut and have a press stud to hold them together. YOu put them round your pony tail and they fold the hair over it and pin it all in, then use lots of hair spray.

My sister uses one and it gives a very good full, voluptious, bordering on the Princess Leah hair do type bun making you look as though you have loads more hair that you actually do.

Obviously, this doesn't work for the "Pull-out-the-one-bobby-pin-toss-your-hair-and-look-glam" malarki, so it depends what you are expecting to do after your interview!, hehehehehe

In seriousness, what ever the hair do: good luck with the interview, I hope you do well.
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thanks for advice everyone. hey mimmi that thing sounds good, no time for now though to get one!! will try the one from my ponytail, if it fails I will stick to the pony tail. will let you know if I got it. :o8
do you know what's weird, I have an interview tomorrow Good Luck Salamanda!

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