A good answer to rude questions in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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A good answer to rude questions

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MadlySane | 00:37 Thu 18th May 2006 | Body & Soul
14 Answers
Hello. I do long shifts in security and reception work and on the night ones in particular sometimes people in the office block say "I couldn't do your job" and "You have the most boring job don't you". I used to work here in the office but moved to this as it pays better and has its good and bad points like most other jobs. I find it very rude and demeaning when people come up and say things to me and was wondering if anyone here has any good ideas for things I can say back. Thanks for any replies!
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how about - I quite enjoy the peace and quiet actually- nobody around to irritate me at night!

"you couldn't do my job? well thats not too surprising you can hardly do your own from what i hear"

'I couldn't do your job' doesn't sound as if it's meant to be rude, it sounds rather admiring. But if they ask if your job is boring, why not just tell them it isn't? Shift worker myself, so I know where you're coming from, but I don't think you should get het up about it. spk's suggested answer is bright without being rude (and I don't think you should be rude, hwoever rude you think other people are) so do try it.

"boring tell me about it; i have to listen to you every bleeding day"

Different I know but you've just reminded me how irrated I would get when after the birth of my second son people would say "aww I bet you wish you'd had a girl this time" I would reply "not at all, I'm just glad to have a happy healthy baby". Some people just dont think before they speak & unfortunately your gonna carry on meeting them no matter what quick witted response you have prepared :(
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Thanks for the answers, I don't wish to appear rude when I answer their questions, I just want to get a good point across. I have been doing this job for over 5 years, and although I try not to let it get to me it does bother me sometimes, and I feel like saying "The job is okay, it's people that bore me", but that sounds a bit arrogant lol.

Spk I like what you say and will try it out. I already feel better for getting my little rant off my chest. :)

Maybe you could try "nah I think standing in the dole has got to be much worse"
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Slooow_Jo, thanks for your answers. Yes you are right, people say the most inane and stupid things in many situations, and like you say, you will always meet them no matter what answers you can throw at them. However I think it is good to be able to have some ammunition and I love your retort about the dole queue. I think I will rotate the answers I have here depending on my mood at the time lol.
with all respect to Jo - yo, Jo! - don't mention the dole queue, it makes it sound as though your job really is the next thing to being without work. You should try to sound a bit more enthusiastic about it than that!
If somebody says to you that they couldnt do your job,just smile and say "You're right - very few people have the right temperament for this - calm and patient - luckily I have!!".
"You're kidding? When nobody else is about I crank the music up, open up a bottle of vino and dance around like a crazed thing until it's time to go home!"
Champagne that sounds suspiciously like your job
Shh! jno!
Madlysane- Tell them "Oh I love my job. I make great money and I really enjoy the peace and quiet so it's just perfect for me!" (with a big smile)

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