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Drink and phone calls

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Aliceband | 00:19 Sun 21st May 2006 | Body & Soul
7 Answers
have a had bit to drink, and am tempted to ring my ex. I know I will regret it tomorrow.........Talk me out of it pleaseeeeeeeeee xx


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Don't do it Alice hes a rat and doesn't deserve you!
alice you're at a party with naked guys and you want to do that? how unsociable!!!
get a grip on yourself, there might be someone else in his bed. get in your bed now before you do something you will regret. have some control.
oh i get it alice, the naked guys at whiskie's party reminded you of your ex. well my dear, if he wanted you he will be partying with you. don't do it.
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spooky, writing this, and just got text from ex wanting to talk.... but sound adivce lia........thanks xx
Realise this is half an hour later, and a lot may have happened, but stay cool sweety. If he's your ex, he's your ex for a reason. It's really really tough, and if you really want him back then do it, but don't be in contact just because of the pain, the pain goes a damn sight quicker if you don't have the contact. And you can go on to meet someone wonderful.
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Thank you all, you lovely people for your replies xx

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