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Breast feeding in public what are your views on this?

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sexyrussian | 13:28 Tue 23rd May 2006 | Body & Soul
80 Answers
I was on my way to the supermarket today and on a chair in the supermarket in front of everyone a woman was breast feeding her baby.I think breast feeding is fine and perfectly natural but not infront of hundreds of people.She wasn't a bit descreet and I had to turn away quickly.Breast feeding is fine but not in public.


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I think I mentioned newspapers & magazines in one of my posts :o) totally agree with you..and mycats I was also a bit perplexed by the 'both boobs out' comment (I was once in an NCT group with a bunch of militant breastfeeders..even they wouldn't have done that!!).

sexyrussian you are full of contradictions yet again. ''people need to have more respect for those around them'' must include must respect their needs & food is a vital part of their lives, believe it or not. You have said you would like to have a baby..I would suggest waiting a very long time in order for you to become a more mature adult. You would let your baby scream with hunger? how very dare you.

Almost every post you type mentions being a lesbian, you ask for opinions & then falsely claim that most people agree with you. You either need glasses or your 'hi tech' computer needs throwing in the bin as the screen is busted.

HA HA HA HA well said Pippa68 !! Think you might be on to something there with the screen being busted comment lol
(and militant breastfeeders rofl, sorry have some fabulous images in my head now ! "Nobody moves or the baby gets it ! I mean it, it will be the nipple for you!!")

*snigger* oh how we laugh..I am sure you know the type I mean but thanks, I now have the same image!

:o) :o)

Hiya pippa, I'm still giggling over the "how very dare you" bit.

sorry I didn't notice your boobs on show in newspapers etc post, I only skimmed it, ermmmm I meant I didn't notice you mention boobs on show, not your own.....ummm.....shall I shush now????

Ooooh you seen those pics, BOO? I am gonna stand up & say it out loud 'I AM NOT ASHAMED'

I was only 19 at the time (can't you tell from the the eighties mullett?) and they were a fine pair in those days.

If only they had stayed 'up there' instead of trying to find pennies on the road. Ho hum.

I think there shud be more breast feeding in fact it shud be made an olympic sport
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I will not breast feed my baby because I think it is a bit disgusting.I will put my milk in a bottle.So much easier ,modest and convenient.As for when I am having a baby I have decided to start at the beginning of June so not long now.I am so excited!If I had to breast feed my baby I would have the decency to walk the few meters to my car.P.S just to say the computer is not mine it is the Universities incase you thought I was being snobby.
Ah so already you have decided that not will you not give your baby a CHANCE of a father but now you wont feed it the best milk possible for a healthy start in life? my, my what a selfish little troll you are! Please God, dont let it breed!

I'm with Cat Ruskie and hoping you don't manage to fall pregnant anytime soon. Whilst I've nothing personal against you, from reading your posts and replies in other peoples posts I dont think your mature enough to embark on this experience.

Why don't you enjoy your youth while you can? you're only 19 for Gawds sake, fall pregnant now and you can effectively kiss goodbye to doing anything you want to for at least another 18 years!!!!

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Someone has not been reading my post carefully.I said I would use my own milk and put it in a bottle.As for the baby issue I always planned to have one later but they are so sweet(well my one will be)I want one as soon as possible.I can't wait to be pregnant.Also it means I can stay in the country but that is just a bonus I will probobly be allowed to stay anyway.

Yeah they look sweet- when they're someone elses and look all pink and cuddly. However I dont think you'll think the same at 3am with a screaming baby, who's got a dirty bum, stinks to high heavens and has just thrown up on themselves, their bedding and you for the 5th time that night.

Please for Gods sake, grow up, babies are not toys!

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But they are cute and anyway yes they cry and need looking after but during the day they are fat and cuddly and I can show it off all day to my friends.My God you make having a baby sound so horrible if it were that bad people would not have them.As for the sleep I won't mind.
OK that proves it, (as if we didnt know) this "sexyrussian" is clearly a troll!! how sad. Shall we have bets on the next contraversial thing "she" says?

  • Babies poo (alot!)

  • Baby wee on clothing, not nice

  • Baby vomit, worse than not nice

  • Lack of sleep for weeks, possibly years will drive you insane

  • Childbirth, think of passing a objest the size of a marrow through something the size of of a drinking glass

  • The stitches aftwerwards- delightful!

  • Walking like John Wayne for weeks afterwards

  • Midwives, nurses, doctors, trainee midwives/doctors all peering at your nether regions

  • No just nipping to the shops, it takes you at least half hour to get you/baby/accessories ready

  • Nights out? forget it!

  • Early nights in with loved ones? Forget those as well

  • You constantly covered in vomit/baby snot, baby poo or all of the above on a day to day basis

  • No partner to help share the load of this lot?

Heard enough? Or do I carry on with the horror stories???

But apart from that BOO, whats so bad about babies?
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I know but I just want to have my own baby inside me and have people fussing over me.I want to hug my baby and look at it and see me in there.This is normal behaviour for a young woman is it not?I just want a baby and as the offer is there for the taking I find the possibility too hard to resist.Im,know they are hard to look after but my Parnets(hopefully)will help me .

and of course that's just while they are babies! They dont stay that way (did you know that ruskie?) then you have
terrible two's (and three, four, five etc)
problems with
answering back
I hate you
NO (another big favourite)
no time alone with your partner (and even if you do, you are too tired to do anything)
want a job? sure pay nearly all your wages to a childminder
then of course you have the teenage years!! (where if you are REALLY lucky they end up a spoilt, rude, obnoxious, selfish, single, teenage mother like you!)

Zeus, nowt wrong with babies, i've got an 18 month old myself however i'm also a realist. Yeah they cute and cuddly but snyone who states they've had kids and hasnt experienced some if not all of the above points is a bl00dy liar!

Ahhh I see Ruskie, you want to be fussed over whilst pregnant then be able to promptly dump baby onto your parents when the going gets tough and or boring for you?

By the way Ruskie, what happens if your child happens to have deformities? considering your views on this?

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If I found out my baby had deformities while pregnant I would keep it without doubt and look after it.If there is one thing I am kind about it is people with disabilities because I have siblings with disabilities(albeit not physical ones)and I believe they are important members of our society.
you are far too selfish, immature and downright stupid to have a baby. GET A GRIP.

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