I had a nasty fall last night and went straight to casualty because I literally couldn't walk or bear weight. Although my ankle has blown up like a balloon and is very sore it's actually the bone that leads up to my little toe that hurts the most, and i can't put any weight on it as it's so painful. The doctor took an x ray of the ankle only and saw nothing and sent me home without even a bandage or crutch. Thank god I had a friend who found me a wheelchair because I would have been absolutely stranded! My concern is that they didn't bother to x-ray the area that hurts the most! Might they have missed something, or am I just being a wuss?
poor you, but if the xray did'nt show anything its probably a sprain or something. did the doctor give you anything for the pain or swelling? incidetally if you broke your toe they cannot do anything about it, it just has to heal of its own accord, put your feet up and rest for a week or so untill the swell goes down.
I had a similar accident last September. My ankle turned on an uneven pavement and I went flying. I thought I had broken that bone that leads to the little toe as I had heard a loud crack as my foot slid sideways out of my sandal. Same symptoms as you: swollen ankle and could hardly walk for the pain (this was on a Friday and I was going to Menorca on the Monday). Went to the hospital, she didn't X-ray it but made me do different movements with my foot. I had a huge black/red bruise under my foot and was told that the crack I had heard was me breaking a blood vessel!. Although I doubted this at the time it seems they were right, but even so, it was 2 months before it was completely better. I asked about a support bandage and was told it didn't actually do anything to help but I used ice to help the swelling and using a support bandage did make me feel a bit better. Hope your ankle gets better soon chrissiekins.
I would go back to casualty. I broke a vertebra not long ago and the doctor in casualty said it wasn't broken. I was phoned two days later by the consultant that checks all xrays who said they had found a fracture. Hospitals can make mistakes and if you are not satisfied then go back. It is better to be safe than sorry.
Thank you so much for all of your replies. I went back to casualty and they told me not to worry as it was definitely just bruised.HOWEVER I went to my GP in the end on my sisters advice (she's a radiographer) because it was agony and he had to give me an immediate xray referral. I went to hospital and lo and behold the xray showed a fracture between my foot and toe. The registrar was rude and disinterested and told me to carry on as normal because there was nothing they could do anyway. So here I am with a broken foot, and not one bit happier. Bah!