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Am I pegnant?

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amykyle | 15:08 Fri 09th Jun 2006 | Body & Soul
101 Answers
I had sex with my husband for the first time 2 weeks ago.Because he has been away since than we have not had sex again.It has been 1 and a half weeks now since my last period was due.I was wondering if anyone knew what the chance was I was pregnant and what else could be causing me to miss my periods.


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same as loobie says amykyle please dont leave if you knew what sexyrussian was like you would understand why we are like this with her she is a big bully.
No bullying is being done here at all. We have all wished you well, its just you are green and because sexyrussian has caused a lot of hurt and upset with her constant lying we tend to be a bit wary. But please don�t go Amykyle, we are a lovely bunch (well some) and are always here to try and help. :-)
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I understand that she has been unkind in the past.I gathered that from your posts about her but that is no reason to be nasty.She did nothing nasty or offensive on this particular post. Therefore until she actually says something horrible or offensive on a postthat I see I shall never be unkind to her. That goes for everyone on this site that is unpopular.I say what they have said is unacceptable and then forget about it and treat them with kindness that way they will be kind back and everyone is happier.
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Just want you to understand I like you all I am not against you I just never think it is acceptable to be cruel to someone just because they have been cruel to someone else.Does that not make you as bad as them? I am not talking about sexyrussian here I mean any person that is considered nasty.

She is treated with kindness whenever she posts a sensible answer or question, amy..however she doesn't do this often!

Check out her 2nd answer to you in this thread ~ how incredibly rude...

Oh yer definately but she has been nasty over and over again even after saying she would change and grow up, then she does it again. I dont agree with bully at all, the same as I dont agree with her calling people in council houses scum, people who have abortions baby killers or taking the mick out of people with spots. I would never have an abortion either but it all depends on a persons situation and is entirely up to them. She has picked on most people on here.
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I don't think that was very bad.My point is she did nothing in my eyes bad on THIS PARTICULAR THREAD therefore it was unfair to be so nasty towards her.I understand you have problems with her but I don't want to see that kind of nastiness on ANY of my thread again be it about sexyrussian or anyone else.

amy because most of the really nasty posts made by russian have been deleted it is not possible for you to see how horrible she has been to people. Im not talking general micky taking but full blown offensive posts as well as lies

Im sorry that you think that she is being bullied. Its a sad fact that because of her posts many people have been left very upset and so people do try and warn them of her. Also she has had so many new names where she has tried to be someone new that people are very wary if a post comes up with similar scenarios to ones shes given.

Yes Madam !
amy the nature of the beast so to speak is that you cannot dictate who answers your thread and how they answer it. Thats why we have had the problems 4getmenot mentioned with posts by russian. But it will be duly noted that should russian post anything upsetting on your posts that we shall not be allowed to say anything to her about it, is that better?
No one was nasty to her sensible posts, I didnt agree with her wanting a baby because they are fat and cuddly and said she should get a pet and she actually agreed. I cant answer for other people though but maybe we just didnt like to see you being sucked in and thinking she is worse of then you, You have genuine problem, she makes stuff up.
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I was just wondering one thing. I don't understand how you KNOW she was all these other users I mean you thought she was me didn't you? You may have got it wrong.I am not on her side I understand she has done wrong I just think you are wrong aswell.
because she always admitted it or started saying how gorgeous she was. She did also apologise to everyone and listed her user names but then started again. She will admit to you Im sure that she was guilty of a lot of nasty posts
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I believe EVERYONE has a kind side and a bad side.If all sexyrussian gets on this website is nastiness she can and will only show the bad side.Maybe if you show her some kindness she might just start being kinder.After all why should she be kind to you if you are not kind to her? Try being nice and you may be surprised. Maybe I am a romantic fool but I feel that she is not all bad and I would like to try and see her good side.As I have said before this goes for all the people on this website that you might dislike.

I am sorry I chose to stick up for you amykyle ~ rest assured in future I will know that you can look after yourself and dictate what you feel is good or bad posting.

I happen to think that most of russians posts are either irrelevant, stupid or just downright nasty. No hard feelings..I wish you all the best :o)

Honestly now, can I say thank you very much for your kindness amykyle. No one not even in real life has said such nice things to be despite what I have done. I am almost in tears from the compassion you have shown. You probobly don't think what you say means much to me but it does. It means alot and I will never be nasty to you ever.I bet the others think I am being silly saying thid but it is true.

Oh yes ~ she does show her good side ~ only not often enough!

I have kids..they can be absolutely foul sometimes but then they are much younger than russian.

Believe you me, this one is bad news..she admitted in several posts (I quote)

''It is much more fun to be nasty than kind so I am changing my mind again!''

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That's quite alright sexyrussian I will only ever be kind to both you and everyone else on this website.Nastiness (even as a result from nastiness) gets no one anywhere.
i think i was firm but fair with her.
finally get over it!

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