try herbs and some seasoning powders can be nice sprinkled on - i sometimes use a steak seasoning on veg/chips etc
i never add salt to anything, even when i am cooking from scratch.
depends on what you are doing with it really - if you just sprinkle it on meals - try oregano or a sort of seasoning that doesn't contain salt
for soups, stews etc, try the above but also stuff like onion, garlic etc to give more flavour.
don't add it at all to water when cooking pasta or vegetable - just rely on sauces etc to give flavour
you could also try measuring it rather than just shaking it over - i would think if you put that amount in a bowl it would look loads.
try shaking your average 'dose' on and empty plate and put it on a large spoon - then halve it, and in future put that amount on a spoon first before adding to your food