Chocolate limes, aniseed twist, sweet peanuts, sherbet pips, cola pips, rosy apples, Aztec bars, fruity blue ice lollies, jubblies, sweet tobacco (shredded coconut covered in crunchy brown sugary stuff), fools gold chewing gum (little yellow nuggets in a little drawstring pouch), Old Jamaica (rum & raisin) chocolate bars, bottles of Corona cream soda (5p back when you returned the bottle), Milk Tray choc bars, blackjacks, mojos, refreshers chews, love hearts, fizzy spangles, galaxy counters, pacers, shrimps, milk bottles, flying saucers (made out of rice paper with loads of sherbet in the middle), Ice Breaker, Buttersnap (like Dime bars & I seem to be the only person I know who remembers them), Caramac, jamboree bags, aniseed balls, sherbet lemons, peanut brittle & those chewy toffee peanut rings, Army & Navy paregoric, Victory V's, sherbet fountains, Texan bars.....I could go on and on.......Oh, I already have!
Still got all my own teeth too, even after that lot, LOL!