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Blonde to Brunette, Brunette to Blonde

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Headless Rat | 11:03 Thu 29th Jun 2006 | Body & Soul
5 Answers
am thinking of going brunette but need some advice...I naturally have quite fair hair but have been getting highlights for the past 6years so am fairly blonde thesedays. Recently I've been thinking of going brunette....a very dark brown..but I'm worried that if I don't like it or it doesn't suit, that it would takes ages to get back as blonde as I am now. Blonde hair really suits me but I just really feel like a dramatic change!
So, has anyone who had highlights gone dark and then gone back blonde?
How easy was it to go back blonde and would you recommend getting a hairdresser to do it etc?
Any other advice greatly appreciated!


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Get a haitdresser to do it, I had bleached blond hair and decided to colour mine brown myself and it went green :-(
Or even a hairdresser would do :)
I was blond as a child, then my hair got darker as i grew up... naturally its a light brown colour. but i had always highlighted it blond, so i was a sort of blondy/brown..

this year i went a reddy/brown... MASSIVE DECISION! Thanks to a little persuading from my fella...

I like it brown but prefer me as a am going back to blond for the summer!!

If you get it done but dont like it, surely you can always change it back......?

Its a lot of dosh to keep getting your hair coloured though.

Sorry its not great advice but more of a personal experience.
it's pretty easy to go back to blonde from being a brunette so if u go dark and don't like it u can change it back. u will need a hairderesser to do this - what they will do is strip your hair of colour then dye it to the colour it was before and rehighlight it. hope this helps xXx
Oh,i change hair colours every oyher week it seems like,brown 2 blonde 2 black 2 red 2 blonde 2 brown etc etc,def through a hairdresser to go back blonde though,a few highlights,bit more each visit,until u back blonde!

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Blonde to Brunette, Brunette to Blonde

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