The only thing amusing is when she totally contradicts hersels. There was nothing slightly amusing about todays post. And everyone is right if it were true she wouldnt be joking about on this one or even sat about on teh computer.
She reminds me of Miss Bates in Emma (Jane Austen), it's hard to explain why.
I keep thinking of this line:
"I know there is not a better creature in the world: but you must allow, that what is good and what is ridiculous are most unfortunately blended in her"
Reminds me of a bates too,but the one in the hotel,with the dead mother,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,if you know what i mean???????
What was that film called again???????????????
I have been around only not on B&S I cannot be bothered to argue me innocence and I am not really interested in chat.I prefer just to stick to asking questions and giving sensible answers.I do not go in for guessing who is who etc.I just like to have a peaceful AB experience with no arguments.