I was once advised of a technique which involved listening intently to that person. Ok, thats not all of it, but it's a start.
The 'idea' is that instead of listening to what someone says and seeing how this reflects in your life and responding with a 'oh yes, when I did that....etc' you take the focus away from you and your situation and imagine the conversation from inside their head, and where they think this particular conversation is going - with you adding precise yet inspirational mutterings. (Stay with me). After a while you will find that you actually get in tune with the person and the conversation opens up to them and they suddenly find that you are the most interesting person to speak (& listen) to, because you have let them (and lead them) in their own conversation. It take practise, but trust me it works.
Other than that, she still has to find you physically attractive. But get practising now, before Friday. Good luck.