from what you say, it sounds like the effect (if not the cause) is similar to hurschprungs, which my god son was born with. He had a section of his bowel that was also dead, in his case a section of a few inches. This prevented him pooing, as the bowel couldn't pulse or squeeze the poo out. It's very hard to tell until the baby is born to what degree the bowel is affcted. After a few weeks of consitpation and intermittent pooing, they operated on my gs, and removed the dead section of bowel. As an interim measure, they fitted him with a small bag, on the outside, to gather his poo, and this bag had to be chanegd regularly. This bag was attached to a part of his bowel that was working, and alllowed normal bowel function for a few months (although poo exited thru the bag, not his bum). Then, at about 9months of age, he had a second operation. This was to remove the bag, and re attach the two good, healthy ends of his bowel together, and stitch him up. That was 8 years ago and since his second op, he has never had any problems whatsoever with his bowel function. After first op, he was only in hospital a day or two, second op he was in about 3 or 4 days. I can tell you more about my GS if you want annavc, but i would highly recommenmd your sister talks to her consultant at length about this. I know my GS s parents thought the doctors they dealt with were superb. At least your sister and your family can gather together all the information they can over the next week, to help them cope with what's to come. My GSs parents ended up writing down a list of questions, so they didn't miss anything at all. i think if they know more facts (eg how long is hosp etc) that may help and it may be that they CAN all go home together, and all will be well. If I can tell you anymore (tho I am no expert) do ask. All the very best to you, sister and especially the babies. xxxx