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Diet Advice

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spainlads | 03:22 Sun 09th Jul 2006 | Body & Soul
7 Answers
I'm a 40 year old guy. Vegetarian (don't eat meat or fish). 6 foot 1 Inch, 15 stone 2 pounds. My BMI is 28 - overweight. I have high blood pressure and can't do weights or swim on my stomach, because of a back/neck injury. I have a bike.
What's the best diet for me??


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I go to Weight Watchers and our leader is a Vegetarian and she has managed to get to her goal. Maybe it's worth giving it a go. Good luck, it's not easy.

You can't need to lose that much weight,maybe 1 stone,I would start by cutting out all the biccies,sweets,crisps etc, then have a smaller dinner plate, also drink a large glass of water 10 mitutes before eating, and do a bit more walking, is the high blood pressure to do with the weight ? or does it run in your family, are you on medication to control this ? it will reduce slightly by losing a little bit of weight, good luck, Ray
Well the weight must be coming from somewhere so you need to find out where. To get your protein are you eating a lot of nuts ??? Or maybe its drinking too much. You need to work out where these extra calories are coming from, it is easy to eat too much cheese too if you are a vegetarian. If you are not an expert on calories try looking at some, you would be amazed !
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A healthy BMI range should be between 20 - 25
ok, I am vegatarian as well...and a common misconception is that vegetarians are skinny simply because of the lack of meat. There are TONS of pre-packaged/frozen vegetarian meals loaded with fat. I would suggest to take some time out to cook your meals from start to finish...this way you don't miss out on the hidden added fat in pre-packaged foods. If you don't cook, there are healthy low fat, low calorie frozen meals out there...also that are vegetarian...but look at calorie content before buying. You could try just walking for exercise...find a beautiful park and set a time that would work every day so you can get on a schedule
You don't really say what your normal eating habits are like, and are you on medication for blood pressure?

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