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Getting rid (permanently) of facial hair

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ali_alic | 16:43 Tue 11th Jul 2006 | Body & Soul
5 Answers
My mother (in her 70's) is now suffering quite badly from "whiskers". She plucks when she can but its getting to be quite an effort now. Is there anyway of permanently removing unwanted facial hair WITHOUT going to a salon etc. We need a home remedy as she would be too embarassed otherwise.

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Brilliant - are they permanent or is that just advertising speak??
I wouldnt know. I dont have need for one, just did a search for you and came up with that.
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No probs, will get one for her anyway. It'll be a good test run for when I need one!!
My other half got me one for xmas for leg hairs. It takes a while but they grow back less obviously and eventually go away - you do have to keep at it though. Not an instant fix at all.

Given it's an electrical pulse that's passed through (you put one pad on the area iyou wish to de-hair and another at another point on the body (all in the manua as it has to be a certain distance from the target area) perhaps worth consulting a doctor about the possible side effects of passing electricity through an older woman. Although any kit you buy will say something about that in the manual, you'd hope.

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Getting rid (permanently) of facial hair

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