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Night Shift!!

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petes_dragon | 00:57 Sat 15th Jul 2006 | Body & Soul
47 Answers

Is anyone still around - or am I the only one sad enough to be here on a Friday night??

A xXx


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No, petes_dragon, you are not the only one. I've just finished some computer work and like the saddo I am, I've come on here for a bit of relaxation...
Party-time, gals, get the drinks and the chocs out!
hey A, i'm still here. i never sleep. just finished watching west wing and a bit csi. popped on to see if the crack is more interesting on a friday night than it is during the week!
steviep165, how much sleep can you get by on? ( I find I need about 5 hours sleep a night usually.)
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same for me about 5-6 hrs is about average..........seems to catch up every couple of weeks though and I need to sleep for about 12hrs!!

A xXx
depends on work kidda. i'l get by on what i can get. had an easy day 2day so i'm not too bad.
got pulled off kick this morning for being up all nite then saying hey to everyone at 8 this morning or something daft like that.
i'l suffer for this tomorrow though, saturday is the busiest day.
So, petes_dragon, are you feeling like having a moan about your husband tonite? Go on, you know you want to!
What's he been up to today?
same for me petes, cant think it was wednesday morning, got up as normal, 7.30ish, kids away dogs walked tea drank. normally that would be me up and business started for the day. that day though i was totally burnt out. ten to twelve when i got up. even the partners 16 year old was up before me. china, pink & kick thought i was deed!!
steviep, you really are a night-owl! Hope you have a good Saturday night out, to round off the week!
working neutron, the pimping bizznizz never stops!!!
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nah, he's been good - I'm in a really good mood tonight - hubs has just booked and paid for our trip to Dublin for my 30th birthday so I can't complain!....also, my son has been asleep since 8pm so we've had a really relaxing evening watching crap tv!!!

A xXx
so why arnt you in bed doing the wild thing, if you dont mind me asking. a trip away and a kid asleep happens less often than a solar eclipse.
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Stevie - what do you really do? you work from home coz you're on here at all hours!!!...not that I can talk, but I'm mostly here in the evening through the week and all day at the weekend.

I work the weekend shift (Cust services/repair) and have all week off, so I'm on here once everyone else is asleep

A xXx
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he's been working from 7am all week so he's a bit knackered - but I'm off tomorrow so I might get some in the morning!!

A xXx
Happy birthday, petes, whenever it is, and the Dublin trip sounds great. Be sure to have an Irish Coffee or 3, - very nice! (Last time I went to Ireland I went from Holyhead on a small boat in November, wouldn't recommend it! )

its an international trading industry, so most of my work is time zone based. hard work a lot of the time,, big yachts the rest.
steviep, do you get to go abroad a lot in your business, to see clients, etc. ?
might have done back in the old days. the old www has put an end to a lot of that, everything is just wired back and forward. you dont actually need to go to the cayman islands to make cash disappear now!!!!
seriously tho its just a small business, we're not one of the big boys. someones always got to be there to keep it ticking over. i sometimes think the japs kip less than us.
Hello all, the holyhead ferry isn't that great in winter is it?
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ferries are sound awful - I get sea sick on a pedalo 8-$

A xXx
Hi nox, how's the nipper? I've forgotten, what name did you choose after all for the babe ?

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