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sleepincutie | 19:23 Sun 16th Jul 2006 | Body & Soul
5 Answers
Dont worry this isnt anything about kinky roleplay- its simply about an issue happening at my schho, at the moment. Im in the lower sixth (well upper now) at my grammar school and recently we found out that a teacher who is 26 is dating an 18 year old student at our school. Hes been pretty open about it as has she.....and although technically she's left now, the relationship was started whilst she was still at the school.
The teachers also found out but apparently-their is no legal action they can take now that she has left- we've all found it very starge and i wondered what anyone else thinks on the matter??



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It happened at my grammar school in 1972, so nowt new and they got married and are still happy and their kids went to the same school but have left there now too.
It would probably be considered unethical, and won't look good on the teacher's record, but since the student is over 16, then it's not illegal.
My science teacher had an affair with my best mate in our lower 6th. It didn;t last, and she is still single and he is re married- to his dead brother's wife!!!! I was jealous at the time cos what she was doing seemed so exciting. But actually she was playing with fire.
well, it's okay for a Chief Inspector of Schools, it seems: also happened at my school back in the mid 80s a girl in her second year of 6th form started dating a teacher who was only 25, they asked the headmaster's permission apparently...anyway, they are still married and have 3 daughters of which is in 6th form college...I wonder what they would think if she started dating a teacher...?...hmmm

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