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Bone Fractures

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lizhoare | 15:36 Tue 18th Jul 2006 | Body & Soul
11 Answers
I recently fractured my wrist rather badly and ended up having an operation to put wires in. I have now had the wires removed but am still in a lot of pain also I don't have much movement in my hand. Has anyone had a similar experience? If so, I would be very grateful for any advice to reduce swelling and pain and also get some movement back into my hand. I can't even do the recommended exercises!


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Yer my advice would be just go back to your doctors
Ive had the same operation, i broke my wrist 2 years ago, and had pins put in, when i had them taken out and the pot removed i could bend it at all, and it hurt like hell. I ended up going to see a physio and its great now, just as good as before. it does ache in winter, but if they havent reffered you to a physio in the next week go and see your doctor.
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Thanks Homer55. You have really reassured me!
I had my wrist rebuilt over 20 years ago after a motor bike accident. Tell your GP if you are still having pain - and keep trying with the physio it is worth it in the long run. It takes time I have got (almost) full movement and some feeling back. I suffer every winter - but it is better than loosing my hand - which is what they thought may happen when I had just had the accident.

Good Luck - keep at it - it is hard but I am sure you will get there.
Any time!!
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Thanks to you also tubeway. It's nice to know someone cares!
Hi liz

You must persist with the movement bit,it is going to hurt like hell,but the physio will help you through this, my son had the same sort of thing but on an ankle,the pain was unbearable at times but he stuck with the exercises and the movement gradually got easier, but as with homer he gets twinges in the winter, Good luck to you,take care, Ray
im with ray liz
i busted my hand up pretty bad (not quite the same)
and had to have pins put through it and you have to stick with it im afriad keep trying the exercises and the painkillers it will get easier promise;~)
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Thanks raysparx and froggo. Your support and advice greatly appreciated. No more climbing ladders for me ever again!

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