Hi All my lovely boyfriend is off to Barcelona on Saturday for a week. We are going out for a meal tomorrow night but I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on how to make sure he doesnt forget me while he is gone!
Impret never said he woudlnt or couldnt be faithful. Sarcasm is lost on some people me thinks dont need to justify my relationship here was just wondering if I could do something nice for him.
Write little notes of things you like about him, put them in a tiny jar or even a baggie and tell him to draw one out for each day he is gone. It will not only make him feel good but it will remind him why he loves you.
Yep, a good seeing to, maybe a pair of underwear(clean of course-or maybe not, whatever floats his boat!) or a saucy picture to take away with him, or a promise of what he'll get when he gets back. Or tell him the more interesting the present he buys you over there, the more interesting your welcome will be when he gets back. A girlfriend of mine said that to me once, and i spent so much time looking and thinking about a present to find for her that i didnt even notice all the half nekkid hotties swooning as i passed by.
Of course you didnt Rufio,,,,,,,,,,,,,lol
Distance makes the heart grow fonder so they say,let him know about the night out you're going on while he's away,he wont be able to get you out of his mind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That AND a good seeing to,(men are SOOOOOOO shallow)!
what you really want is for Butterfly (where are you babes?) to post that fantastic link she put up the other day. I had it on my favourites till my pc crashed and went doolally. Anyway, some fantastic ideas on how to (ahem) make sure he never forgets you. China...did you see that link? too cool. Butterfly .....HELP????
Every woman should read this link, memorise it and make sure she practises a different one each day. It should be the law. They would never have to ask does it feel good or am I doing it right ever again.